Membranes for inorganic chlorine Etatron AME 00004 01

    113.49 € 113.49 € 113.49000000000001 EUR

    97.00 €

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    Material: N/A | Max.Pressure: N/A | Max.Temperature: N/A

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    Etatron Membranes for inorganic chlorine

    AME 00004 01

    The membrane cap filled with electrolyte forms the measuring chamber into which the measuring part is immersed. A microporous membrane separates the measuring chamber from the sample to be measured. The membranes are supplied with an Emory cloth.
    Product Information
    Product information.Product name.Membranes for inorganic chlorine.
    Product number
    AME 00004 01
    Material N/A
    Max. Print N/A
    Max. Temperature N/A