Testing cooling lubricants - simple and efficient with the profluid KSS Kombi Test.
The new version now with extended pH range up to pH 10

Everything a quick test for MWF's needs
The KSS-Kombitest measures the nitrate content, water hardness, and pH value of cooling lubricants with just one test strip. Regular monitoring, and professional handling of water-soluble cooling lubricants significantly lowers operational costs, and prevents work-related illness.Used in more than 500 companies
The profluid KSS-Kombi test is regularly used by leading manufacturers of machining, automotive industry and by leading coolant manufacturers.Download Instructions for use : DE EN
For problems with the new pH test field : DE
KSS-Kombitest advantages at a glance:
Easy to use
One worker, one test strip, and one refractometer is all it takes to cover all of the parameters specified under TRGS 611.
Fast testing process
Immerse all test fields on the test strip for 1 sec., shake off excess liquid and read after 60 sec.
Reduction of your cooling lubricant costs
Lower cooling lubricant costs – keep a handle on odors, corrosion, and skin problems!
Reduces the risk of occupational diseases
Regularly controlling these parameters and correctly handling water-soluble cooling lubricants typically results in significant operating cost reductions and lowers the risk of work-related illnesses. We recommend following BGR143 as a basis, which is available free of charge from trade associations.
Simple and fast monitoring of your cooling lubricants
High nitrite content in cooling lubricants can cause health risks in combination with other ingredients. Levels should be monitored weekly (TRGS611).
Water hardness
KSS-emulsions often react to water which is too soft by foaming. If the water is too hard, this leads to a risk of corrosion and frequently causes stability problems or deposits on machine components and products. This promotes bacterial growth. Regular measurements are recommended.
Elevated pH value can increase the risk of skin irritation, while low levels reduce stability and corrosion protection, and can often be caused by contamination (odor). If service measures cannot correct the issue, it is a good idea to change the emulsion used. Weekly measurements have proven effective (prescribed under TRGS611).
500+ machining companies test with profluid KKS-Kombitest.
Start today, reduce operating costs and increase productivity.