// Radio buttons and checkboxes flex layout .o_website_form_flex { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .o_website_form_flex_item { // col-lg-4 flex-basis: 33%; // col-md-6 @include media-breakpoint-down(md) { flex-basis: 50%; } // col-12 @include media-breakpoint-down(sm) { flex-basis: 100%; } } // Hidden field is only partially hidden in editor .o_website_form_field_hidden { display: none; } .editor_enable .o_website_form_field_hidden { display: block; opacity: 0.5; } // Select inputs do not trigger the default browser behavior // Since we use a custom editable element .editor_enable .s_website_form .form-field select { pointer-events: none; } // Required fields have a star which is not part of the field label .o_website_form_required, .o_website_form_required_custom { .col-form-label:after { content: ' *'; } } // Quickfix to display the editable select as a single big field #editable_select.form-control { height: 100%; } // Fix for firefox browse button which is too big for Bootstrap form-field // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22049739/fix-for-firefox-file-input-using-bootstrap-3-1 .form-field input[type=file].form-control { height: 100%; }