/// /// This file regroups the variables that style odoo components. /// They are available in every asset bundle. /// // Font sizes $o-root-font-size: 12px; $o-font-size-base: 13rem * (1px / $o-root-font-size); $o-line-height-base: 1.5; // This is BS default // Colors $o-community-color: #7C7BAD; $o-enterprise-color: #875A7B; $o-enterprise-primary-color: #00A09D; $o-brand-odoo: $o-community-color; $o-brand-primary: $o-community-color; $o-brand-secondary: #f0eeee; $o-brand-lightsecondary: #e2e2e0; $o-gray-100: #f8f9fa; // This is BS default $o-main-color-muted: #a8a8a8; $o-main-text-color: #4c4c4c; $o-view-background-color: white; $o-shadow-color: #303030; $o-form-lightsecondary: #ccc; $o-list-footer-bg-color: #eee; $o-list-footer-font-weight: bold; $o-tooltip-background-color: black; $o-tooltip-color: white; $o-tooltip-arrow-color: black; $o-tooltip-text-color: #777777; $o-tooltip-title-text-color: #4c4c4c; // Layout // // Extension of BS4. This is not redefining the BS4 variable directly as we only // need the extra ones for media queries (not creating new breakpoint classes). // Note: default BS4 values are hardcoded here while it should be possible to // merge with the default BS variable (but we would have to take care of // ordering & cie). $o-extra-grid-breakpoints: ( xs: 0, vsm: 475px, sm: 576px, md: 768px, lg: 992px, xl: 1200px, xxl: 1534px, ); $o-form-group-cols: 12; $o-form-spacing-unit: 5px; $o-horizontal-padding: 16px; $o-innergroup-rpadding: 45px; $o-dropdown-hpadding: 20px; $o-sheet-vpadding: 24px; $o-notification-error-bg-color: #F16567; $o-notification-info-bg-color: #FCFBEA; $o-modal-lg: 980px; $o-modal-md: 650px; // Needed for having no spacing between sheet and mail body in mass_mailing: // Different required cancel paddings between web and web_enterprise $o-sheet-cancel-tpadding: 0px; $o-avatar-size: 90px; $o-statusbar-height: 33px; $o-label-font-size-factor: 0.8; $o-navbar-height: 46px; $o-nb-calendar-colors: 24; $o-base-settings-mobile-tabs-height: 40px; $o-base-settings-mobile-tabs-overflow-gap: 3%; $o-cp-breadcrumb-height: 30px; $o-datepicker-week-color: #8f8f8f; // Kanban $o-kanban-default-record-width: 300px; $o-kanban-small-record-width: 240px; $o-kanban-header-title-height: 50px; $o-kanban-image-width: 64px; $o-kanban-image-fill-width: 95px; $o-kanban-inside-vgutter: 8px; $o-kanban-inside-hgutter: 8px; $o-kanban-color-border-width: 3px; $o-kanban-inner-hmargin: 5px; $o-kanban-progressbar-height: 20px; $o-kanban-mobile-tabs-height: 40px; // ------- Kanban dashboard variables ------- // Used to manage spacing in complex dropdown menu $o-kanban-dashboard-dropdown-complex-gap: 5px; // For the frontend part $o-theme-font-size-base: (14 / 16) * 1rem;